

 In “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”, Fahrquhar imagines in his mind that he is dropped into the water and is drowning. When I was younger, I had an experience with drowning in a way. I didn’t drown obviously but I was close. And when I read that part in the story, I remembered how it felt to be under the water, wondering if I would ever come up again. It was a very scary experience and I think Bierce did a good job of describing it. “A frightful roaring was in his ears and all was cold and dark.” I think that drowning would be a horrible way to die and I’m thankful that’s not how I died when I was little!

Job #2

 I am redoing this second job because my first one was too similar to Joshuas. Sorry guys!  In chapter 3 of the story, there is a section that says, once Fahrquhar was in the water, that his hands tore away the noose frI’m his neck. Peyton Fahrquhar immediately wished his hands had not undone the noose because “the undoing of the noose had been succeeded by the direst pain that he had yet experienced.” Why do you think the pain would be worse when the noose was UNdone? And why would he wish that his hands had not taken it off?

Job #1

 “And now he became conscious of a new disturbance. Striking through the thought of his dear ones was a sound which he could neither ignore nor understand, a sharp, distinct, metallic percussion like the stroke of a blacksmiths hammer upon the anvil; it had the same ringing quality. He wondered what it was, and whether immeasurably distant or near by-it seemed both. It’s recurrence was regular, but as slow as the rolling of a death knell. He awaited each new stroke with impatience and-he knew not why-apprehension. The intervals of silence grew progressively longer; the delays became maddening. With their greater infrequency the sounds increased in strength and sharpness. They hurt his ear like the thrust of a knife; he feared he would shriek. What he heard was the ticking of his watch.” (Chapter I) I thought this passage was a bit strange.. thoughts? It seems a little weird to put it in this story because it’s like.. you expect this sound to be something..idk other than what it turns o
 Hi there! So pumped to be in this with you guys! Stay in school kids (: